The journal of History of Islam is a scholarly journal that delves into the rich tapestry of Islamic history. The journal of History of Islam aims to explore the multifaceted aspects of Islamic history, tracing its evolution from the early days to the present. It grapples with the complexities, controversies, and significance of Islamic historical narratives. Here are some key points:

1. Rise and Spread of Islam: The journal charts the rise and global expansion of Islam, examining its impact on societies, cultures, and civilizations.
2. Diverse Peoples and Cultures: It sheds light on the contributions of various peoples, including Arabs, Persians, and Turks, who have shaped Islamic history.
3. Unique Status of Islamic History: It emphasizes the special place that history occupies in the hearts and minds of Muslims, both religiously and politically.

Current Issue: Volume 25, Issue 1 - Serial Number 97, March 2024, Pages 7-220 

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