Social history is considered as one of the majors of history investigating a broad area relevant to the various aspects of human's life and culture as well as the structure, the procedure and the consequence of human's deed. This branch of historical studies has studied the history of inferiors and their social roles after too much attention to the political history including the history of superiors and rulers. The social history is not of specific definition and restriction and there exists numerous individual ideas towards its inclusion circle, identity, bases, and origin. Also it has been presented a number of researches around various dimensions of social history such as the way of relationship of social history with the other areas of history. For instance, what is the relationship between social history and political, economic history? What are the interaction and diversity of social history and cultural history? How is its interaction with sociology and its concepts? What is the position of social history among the areas of historical studies? What are the sources of study in social history and what are the aspects of commonality and diversity of it with the sources of other majors? This article is to investigate the stated issues.