The journal of History of Islam (HI) is a scholarly journal that delves into the rich tapestry of Islamic history. The journal of History of Islam (HI) aims to explore the multifaceted aspects of Islamic history, tracing its evolution from the early days to the present. It grapples with the complexities, controversies, and significance of Islamic historical narratives. Here are some key points:

  1. Rise and Spread of Islam: The journal charts the rise and global expansion of Islam, examining its impact on societies, cultures, and civilizations.
  2. Diverse Peoples and Cultures: It sheds light on the contributions of various peoples, including Arabs, Persians, and Turks, who have shaped Islamic history.
  3. Unique Status of Islamic History: It emphasizes the special place that history occupies in the hearts and minds of Muslims, both religiously and politically.

The journal aims to publish research and review papers on the most recent issues and developments in the field. All papers are subject to a double-blind reviewing process.


About the Journal:

Journal Title: History of Islam

Country of Publication: Iran, Qom.

Publisher: Baqir al-Olum University

Scientific Sponsorship Society: Islamic Seminary of Qom

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Mohsen Alviri

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Sayed Ehsan Rafie Alavy

Subject Area: History Science

Format: Print and Online

Print ISSN: 2008-6431

Online ISSN: 2783-414X

Frequency: Quarterly

Publishing Schedule: March, June, September, and December

Language: Persian, including English abstracts and bibliographies.

Open Access: Yes, free access to articles

Article types: Research and review papers.

Primary Review: 10 days, approximately.

Peer Review Policy: Double-blind peer-review

Average refereeing time: 12 weeks

Acceptance percentage: 20%

Article Processing Charges:  Yes. Publication charges are required from the author.

Citation Style: The APA referencing style.




Tel: +98-(0)02532138407

Address: Office of the journal of History of Islam, Baqir al-Olum University, The end of University Boulevard, Pardisan Town, Qom, Iran.

Indexing & Abstracting: ROAD-ISSN, ISSN Portal, SUDoc, WorldCat, EZB, ZDB, Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Scientific Information Database (SID), National Digital Archives of Iranian Scholarly Journals, Noormags, Magiran, Google Scholar, Academia, LinkedIn, etc.

COPE: The journal of History of Islam (HI) follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct.

Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.

Type of License: Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Required files to upload: Authors must submit the following five essential files through the manuscript submission system: 1. Main Manuscript File (without the author details and prepared based on the provided template. 2. Title Page, 3. Authorship Form (must include the article title, full names of all authors, and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest Form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the Main Manuscript File), and 5. Cover letter (Please include any necessary information in the cover letter).

Current Issue: Volume 25, Issue 2 - Serial Number 98, June 2024, Pages 1-200 

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