The aim of this article is not to Write a "history of a1– Muwahhidun"but to explain the process of the rise of a religious leader who began with an lslamic doctrine and then proclaimed himseif al– Mahdi. He stood against an empire, and gradually gained momentum and power to the extent that his doctrine materialized into an organization which finally led to the establishment of an empire itself. Ibn–e tumart, both in the history of North africa and lslam,is reganded as a revolutionary figure. He was not an exceptional human being rather he managed to exploit the prevalent conditions of the time including the crisis of ideological belief to formulate his doctrine of moral reform. lbn– e tumart’s movement which began calling for an equal and harmonious community later took a political nature, because of the fast changing conditions of the time, and succeeded to establish the MuslimBerber state with its capital at Tinmel in the end.