During the eight centuries of their presence in Andalusia, the Muslimsproduced and left priceless scholarly works.Among such works, geography was one of the major subjects that Muslims extensively dealt with. In this article, Andalusian geographers and thier works will be examined. Such geographical works can be classifiedin different ways.Some are written in a method called masalik in Arabic. This method came into prominence by the Al–e Razi (Razi Family) in the 4th century A. H. The most important work written in this style is "Al–Masalik–a Wal–Mamalik"by Al–Bakri of which only scattered parts have remained. In MuslimAndalusia, special attention was also paid to writing travel accounts and drafting geographical maps. This article tries to discuss in brief geographical works produced in each of the abovc mentioned categories.