Criticism of Ashura Narrative Sources in Al-Muntazem Fi Tarikh al-Muluk wa- al- Umam Book Based on the Comparison with History of al-Tabari and Al- Ershad by Sheikh e- Mofid

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor in Department of Basic Sciences and General Courses, Khorramshahr University of Marine Sciences and Thechnology, Khorramshahr, Iran



The tragic event of Ashura in the year 61 A. H has been reflected in most of the historical books related to the Islamic period. The independent books under the title of "Maqtal" are also dedicated to the narration of this event. The book Al-Muntazem fi Tarikh al-Muluk wa al- Umam by Ibn e- Jozi is one of the texts that deals with the narration of Ashura tragic event along with the report of other historical events. Some researchers believe that Ibn e- Jozi took this narration from History of al-Tabari. In the present research, with the aim of evaluating this claim and done through the descriptive and analytical method, Ibn e- Jozi''s narration is compared with al-Irshad''s narration and history of al-Tabari, which are the most similar to al-Muntazam among the texts before al-Muntazam, and their common achievements are analyzed in terms of propositions. Based on the results of research, similarities between Ibn e- Jozi''s narration and two other narrations can be traced in two ways of content and vocabulary. In terms of content, the content of Ibn e- Jozi''s narrative, while being similar in content to History of al-Tabari and Al-Ershad by Sheikh e-Mofid, has been transformed in three ways: deletion, summarization, and displacement of propositions. In terms of vocabulary, Ibn e- Jozi has directly quoted the narration of Ashura from al-Ershad and Tabari.


Main Subjects

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