This article reviews the differnces between poetry and history at first. In poetry everything leads to probability, but history is required to consider any possible phenomenon. With a closer look, the border between poetry and history fades away, however. Next the article takes up the fact that with the appearance of "American Neo-Historicism", Herodotus' style of historiography has come to the center of attention again. The writer then deals with the nature of historical treatment. Referring to the difference between the historical and scientific phenomena, he explains that the scientific phenomenon is the result of observation and is based upon the cause and effect relationship and that it is not predictable and repeatable. The cultural and historical phenomena, on the other hand, occur once and for all and thier interpretation is not limited to just one instance. Though the uniqueness of a historical event and a work of art connects them to a specific time, it opens the way for explanations that change during the course of time.