The presence of the Prophet (pbuh) and Muslims in Medina transformed the economic outlook of the city. Since ancient times, because of enjoying a certain extent of agriculture and being located on the trade route between Arabia's north and south, Medina had a distinct economy from the rest of the Peninsula. With the arrival of the Muslim Emigrants and the Prophet's guidelines, the economy of the city went through great transformation. On the one hand,, Medina saw an agricultural revolution as a result of its geographical postition, underground water resources, and new factors such as allocating unclaimed Lands to the Emigrants. Certain rules were adopted for irrigation and depending on the climate diverse crops were cultivated and harvested. On the other hand, because of the existence of local markets and efforts by some Emigrants, trade also flourished adding to the overall economic prosperity of the city. Besides agriculture and trade, numerous crafts and industries prospered in the city as well. Various coins such as Dinar and Dirham, and Persian and Roman coins; plus different weights and measures were also in common use in the city during this period.