Following the elimination of its European rivals from the Indian trade arena, the East India British Company that had entered India with trade motives gradually stepped into the political arena, expanded its sphere of influence and finally took complete control of the country. Though the loss of independence was a tragedy to all Indians, to the Muslims who had been the country's ruling class for centuries the trauma of colonialism was even more painful. Thus, the Muslim community that was bearing the brunt of frustrations and damages during the Company's domination over India was waiting for an opportunity to be able to defend its existence and identity in the face of foreign threats and monopoly seeking Hindu and Sikh elements as well as rediscover its lost position under the motto of "revival of religious thought." The Muhammadiyah Tarighah is one of the movements that took shape in line with these goals and tried to adopt a jihadi approach as its main srtategy. Examining the birht of this movement and its plans and objectives, this article tries to shed light on some corners of the history of India's Muslim community in the struggle to free ifself from British colonial yoke.