Imran ibn Shahin, who at first had sought refuge in the Batayih region as a criminal, seized upon the weak state of the Abbasid Caliphate and established an independent government there at the beginning of the 4th century A.H. Using such conditions as the ruggedness of the Batayih region, he repeatedly repelled attacks by Al-i Buyah (the Buyid) sultans. After his death, his descendants ruled for a short while but because of in-house disputes grew weak and finally were ovethrown in a coup by their generals. The rebellious army commanders substituted their predecessors and continued their path. In this paper, at first, the geographical situation of Batayih and the region's role in the Mesopotamian rebelions until the 4th century A.H. are reviewed. Then, the establishment of the Shahinian dynasty and conflicts between its founder, Imran ibn Shahin, and his souccessor, Hasan ibn Imran, on the one hand and Mu'izz-d-Dawlah lzz-ad-Dawlah Bakhtiar and Adhad-ad-Dawlah on the other are discussed. At the end, the trend of the destruction of the Shahinian dynasty and consequences of their rule for the Batayih region are presented.