The Effect of Political Factors on the Relationships between Anazids and Saljuqids

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor and faculty member of history and conduct institute, Islamic science and culture institute

2 Graduated of the third level, Imam Reza higher education seminary center


Anazids -381- 511 after hijrah- were considered as the governor families who took the control of government synchronized with Saljuqids’ gaining power in some areas of the west of Iran during 429-590 after hijrah. Saljuqids’ relationship with them being an obstacle on their developing territiory was some times friendly and sometimes along with military contention, dependent on the political conditions of area and those of Abbasid caliphate. Through the analytical-descriptive approach and reliant on the historical sources, this writing investigates the relationships between these two governments and answers the question regarding the effect of political factors in different phases on the relationship between Anazids and Saljuqids.  The findings of research illustrates that Anazids were of dual relationship with this Turk dynasty considering their own and Saljuqids’ power as well as Saljuqids’ rivals.  At times, like Mohalhel Ibn e- Muhammad Ibn e- Anaz, they fought with Saljuqids and some times, like So’di Ibn e- Abi Shok, they were at the service of them and were benefited by their favors. The factors like inter- disagreements of Anazids and their cooperation with Saljuqids’ rivals have been effective on their dual relationships
