From 487 AH, when the Fatimid caliph, al - Mustansir (Billah) died, to 557 the Nizaris of Iran followed Imam Mastur. From 557 after, they accepted the Imamah of Hasan ibn Muhammad ibn Kiabozorg whose father had been the Hujjah and the caller to Imam Mastur. In 559, Hasan II declared his principle of the Resurrection Cycle and brought about a fundamental change in the Nizari view towards religion and religious beliefs, in particular the Heaven and Hell, and thus nullified all formal ritual worships. The high position and importance of the person of the imam among the Nizaris plus their internalistic disposition were very influential in their accepting of Hasan's new principle. With the declaration of the Resurrection Cycle the Nizaris entered a new period in their history which continued until 607 AH. In this year, Muhammad II declared the Resurrection itself as null and invalid and called upon the Nizaris to merely follow and bind themselves ah, but this to shari his son, Hasan III, oming to power, second doctrine did not last long either. With there was a limited return to the belief in the Resurrection and the new dogma of Sitr (cover) rose to prevalence among the Nizaris.