Nihayah-tul-Arab fi Mؤrifah-ti Ansab-al-àrab, a book in àrab genealogy, is a valuable work by ahmad ibn-i Abdullah Ghalghashandi (821AH). Ghalghashandi was a jurist, genealogist, Poet, and literary figure. At 21 years of age,he was given the permission to teach figh¨h (Islamic law) and issue fatwas (legal decress) in the Shafiص School of law. Later, by joining the divan of insha (privy council of composition), he wroth Subh-al-Asha fi Kitabah-til-Insha. In addition to these two genealogical and literary works, Ghalghashandi also wrote a number of books in other branches of knowledge. This paper is an effort in trying to put forth a major source in the field of genealogy. Following the introduction, the paper introduces the writer and his works, describes Nihayah-tul-Arab fi Mؤrifah-ti Ansab-al-àrab and its distinctiveness and advantages, and discusses the sources of the book and the method used by its writer and reviser.