Realm of Disbelief) was placed high on the political agenda of the prophet the Prophet in leading the Muslim World. Following Dar-al-kufr (the the policy of Dar-al-khilafah the Muslim khulafa (Successors) who Succeeded Medina) in In line with this objective, Muslim conquerors began advancing the seat of the Muslim Govemment-the first of which was Al-Madinah, English) and Egypt. Throughout these conquests, the reaction of various inhabitants towards the Muslim fighters was obviously not the same. Iraq, Iran, Syria, the way the defeated nations, especially of Dar-al-Harb (the Realm of war) It explains how the "people of The present article tries to bring to light . the citizenship of Ahl-ul-Dhimmah, reacted against their new Muslim masters the Scripture" could sign a protection treaty with the Muslims and obtain the new Islamic Governmet. Through such an arrangement, by pledging certain to the Muslim Sovereign authority, they could enjoy special rights and live anywhhere in Dar-al-Islam (the Realm of Islam), except in commitments the two holy cities of Makkah, Enghish Mecca, and privileges, and choose to) guaranteed by the new Muslim Administration. Al-Hijaz and its Haramayn Al-Madinah), under full security