that the topic of the Sabaeans is not a new one, and that the record of issue goes back to the 17 th century; a quick glance over spite of the fact confusion over the issue both among In systematic investigation over this of investigation such investigation reveals greatly different opinions and former and latter conductors of such research. The main obstacles in the way topic have been the shortage of sources and information on one hand, and the of the extant information, on the other. In addition, the use or on this the name, Sabaeans, has caused greater chaos in the ambiguity and inaccuracy even research by modern orientalists misuse, by various other groups, of the prevailing opinions existing information about the sect, so much so that and scholars has been influenced by its adverse effects. By comparing and scrutinizing their strengths and flaws this paper tries to substantiate the view which is most objective and closest to reality. about the Sabaeans and present