The Imamiyah religion in fourth Century A.H.

Document Type : Research Paper



This article discusses the presence of Imamiyah - Shiism in Islamic society. The discussion, especially, gives careful consideration to the relation of Imamie religion with All-e Booiye, Furtheremore the article examines the reasons of the change in All-e Booyes religion from Zeydi to Imamiyah and how this change is related to Shiite authorities - Fatemian, Ghermatian, Yaman's Zeidian - of that days.
The geograghical expansion and development of Imamiyah - Shiism religion is, also, one of the questions which is discussed.
The Shiite's ways of growth and development, cultural expansion of Imamiyah - Shiism and its affiliated forces are from the necessaries of this discussion. The Shiite's customs, cultural and religious thinkers, the obstacles in the way of progress and the things that smoothed the way of progress are talked about during this discussion.
It has been tried to use the Sunnite and Shiite's main sources, similarily, in order to derive logical conclusions. It should be noted, also, that in this articte the Imamiyah - Shiite's histotrical evolution has been considered, and the theological process has been left out for a more detailed discussion. The author has tried to separate these two subjects wihch are the characterists of most of the contemporany Shiite's researches in order to derive explicit and obvious conclusions.