The result of twenty years of open invitation and constant missionary work by the Prophet (S) was the extinction of the pre-Islamic Arab Jahili order. This relentless effort on the one hand destroyed the deep-rooted beliefs and inflexible habits of tribal life and on the other, established norms, patterns, and values compatible with an Islamic society on the ruins of the old order. On this difficult road, Qur’anic and divine teachings plus the Prophet’s cultural activities played a vital role in revolutionizing the Jahili social order. Using ethical means to promote confidence-building among the public, the Prophet spread and reinforced the various elements of Islamic culture throughout the society. Rectifying relations among individuals and reforming collective behavior, he also expanded the existing social capacity for the realization and internalization of the new values. The most fundamental element in accelerating this process and promoting the new Islamic norms was the Qur’anic precepts including individual and social duties and rights that were culturally and socially guided and institutionalized under the direct supervision of the person of the Prophet (S). This paper studies and discusses the process of Islamic cultural and social internalization and institutionalization during the Prophet’s lifetime.