Are the iman (faith) and Islam the work of heart or the work of man’s hands and deeds? This question which was raised in the 4th century (A.H.L.) has always been answered as such: faith and Islam depend on both the intention and the deeds. However, in the three first centuries this question had not found a clear answer yet. Those who were called the Warners would say that there is no relationship between Islam and intention whatsoever. Anyone who practices Islam and is bound by its rituals and ceremonies is a Muslim, and anyone who falls short of carrying out the commands of the religion is an absolute pagan and can be killed. Such strict interpretations of Islam naturally had repercussions of their own. In reaction to such strict interpretations and fanaticism by the Khwarijites in addition to their differences with the Shi‘ah and other problems previously referred to in this article, the Murji’ah appeared on the scene. This paper reviews the reasons for the formation of the Murji’ah, their beliefs and their end.