During the reign of the Daylamite ruler, Mu‘izzuddawlah, the Buyids for the first time occupied Oman in order to guaranty the security of the major port city of Basra in southern Iraq and also secure the lines of trade in the Persian Gulf. However, with Mu‘izzuddawlah’s death, the Omanis rose in rebellion, killed the Buyid governor of Oman and ended the rule of the Buyids. Yet, ‘Adhaduddawlah once again decisively conquered Oman which, despite its many ups and downs, remained under the Buyid control until the end of that dynasty’s rule over Iran and Iraq.
This paper aims to have a glance at political developments in Oman since the introduction of Islam until the conquest of that country by the Buyids through a study of the economic, social and religious situations in Oman on the eve of the 4th century (A.H.L.). The article next moves to the causes and reasons for the Buyids’ preoccupation with Oman, the conquest of Oman by Mu‘izzuddawlah, the political developments after his death up until the final expulsion of the Daylamites from Oman altogether.