Ph. D Student of Shiite study, Qom Ayan o- Mazaheb University
The historical existence of an individual named Abdullah Ibn e- Saba’ is considered as one of the issues of dispute in the historical texts in regard with the study of sects in the world of Islam and regarding its significance, the orientalists are of ideas in this regard. There exist two diverse views regarding Abdullah Ibn e- Saba’. The first view considers him as an effective character in relation to the events of early Islam and the next one questions his historical presence and considers him as a fake character. Following the investigation and criticism of these two view points, the present writing has endeavored to defend the modern view relying on the narrative and historical texts. Accordingly Ibn e- Saba’ is of historical existence and as an ordinary person, he has overstated about Imam Ali PBUH, while his role in the events of early Islam is not deserved to be mentioned.