Reviewing on the Conduct of Amir al-Momenin PBUH with Christians in His Governance Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of history department, Tehran University

2 M.A student of history of Islam, Tehran University


The conduct of governors in the early Islam with Ahle- Zemmeh as a religious minority in the Islamic community is worth considering in diverse aspects. Amir al- Momenin PBUH in the time of his governing was of particular conduct providing the ground for the peaceful relationship between the followers of diverse religions as well as the tendency of Christians towards Islam. The conduct of Amir al- Momenin with the Christians in his governing era could be investigated within the social, belief, political and economic domains. The present writing tries to present a report on these four domains and its subcategories and to reveal that considering the political, social, economic, belief rights of the Muslims as well as the non-Muslims of community are considered the first priorities of Amir al- Momenin in his governance era.
