Commemoration in The Lifestyle of the Infallibles

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Islamic Science and Culture Institute

2 Ph. D Student of Maaref e-Eslami University


Commemoration is a natural part of the human lifestyle; an aspect that the infallibles have also acknowledged. Studying the lives of the infallibles can teach us the methods through which they commemorated events in their lives, and also how they expressed their sorrow and grief. This article has divided the rituals of commemoration in the lives of the infallibles into two parts: personal and social. After an analysis of the texts, we have reached the conclusion that the infallibles have taught us methods of commemoration that are accepted within an Islamic lifestyle. Studying their traditions can show us what methods of commemoration that Allah does not like. From a personal perspective, we see that the infallibles used methods such as crying, avoiding beautification, wearing black clothes, not wearing the ‘aba (cloak), and avoiding business transactions. From a social perspective, the infallibles used to inform the family of the deceased and attend his funeral, consoling those who are in mourning, showing grief when a person of good standing in the society died, acknowledging the efforts and contributions of the deceased to society, holding commemoration ceremonies for the deceased in a public and private manner, as well as reciting eulogies.
