Bayt al-mal and Political System in Islamic history

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D in Political Science, Iran, Law School, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Iran



Bayt al-mal and its related sources have always been one of the most controversial economic-political issues in Islamic history. Bayt al-mal, an Arabic term that is translated as House of money or House of Wealth (national Treasury or central bank in the contemporary era), a center for the Integration and Distribution of Kharāj (individual Islamic tax on agricultural land), Spoils and Resources From "Fei" (Like Oil), And "Anfal" (such as the exploitation of natural resources, beaches, etc.) and infrastructure investments, for the sake of national production and development. Bayt al-mal itself is an economic issue, but in terms of its effect on the moderation and civil equilibrium through political economy and economic policy, it is a matter of political thought. Understanding the institution of Bayt al-mal depends on understanding its meaning as it emerged in the early days of Islam and evolved in Islamic history. In this article, which uses the analytical-logical method, we seek to understand the evolution of the concept and institution of the treasury throughout the history of Islam and its relationship with the old and new political system.
