Political-Military Relations Between Banihood and Qeshtaleh Governments

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D in history and civilization of Islamic nation, faculty of law, theology and political science, Islamic Azad university, science and research branch

2 Associate Professor, Department of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Tehran Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant professor of theology department, Farhangiyan University, Tehran, Iran



Banihood was considered as one of the foremost feudal Dynasties in Andalusia (422-898 A.H) governing in the north eastern part namely Theqar e- A’la with the centrality of Sarqesteh from 431 to 503 A.H. In order to preserve their regional authority, they developed political and military relations with their Christian neighbor, Qeshtaleh, about seventy years. Taking advantage of the historical sources and the descriptive-analytical approach, this research investigates the political- military relations between Banihood and Qeshtaleh as well as the reasons of amity and enmity between them. It finally concludes that the purpose of their providing political- military relations was achieving unity in the region to keep on political domination in the east of Andalusia. However, Qeshtaleh monarchy was looking for the other objectives such as the economic benefits, the extension of its territory as well as the penetration into the Islamic lands


Article Title [العربیة]

علاقات حکومة بنی هود و قشتالة السیاسیة و العسکریة

Abstract [العربیة]

کانت بنی هود من الدویلات المهمة(ملوک الطوائف) التی حکمت شمال شرق الأندلس و تخومها الشمالیة سنة(431 حتی 503ق) فکانت عاصمتها سرقسط. فحفاظا علی سلطانهم فی المنطقة قاموا بتکوین علاقات سیاسیة و عسکریة
مع جارتهم المسیحیة أی حکومة قشتالة.
بحثت هذه المقالة عبر توظیفها للمنهج الوصفی - التحلیلی و استنادا إلی المصادر التأریخیة، العلاقات السیاسیة و العسکریة للحکومتین بنی هود و قشتالة و کذلک أسباب اختلافهما و توافقهما.و توصلت بأن سبب إبرام تلک الاتفاقیات من قبل
بنی هود، هو إیجاد حلیف قوی و ثقة فی المنطقة حتی یتمکنوا من فرض سیطرتهم علی تلک المناطق و استمرارها. لکن فی المقابل کانت تسعی حکومة قشتالة و من وراء تکوین العلاقات تحقیق المکاسب الاقتصادیة و التوسعیة و بسط النفوذ
فی المناطق الإسلامیة.

Keywords [العربیة]

  • بنی هود
  • قشتالة
  • سرقسطة
  • اِل‌سید
  • ملوک الطوائف
  • الأندلس