Quiddity and the Grounds of Social History Development

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of history department, Kharazmi University

2 Assistant professor of Islamic Maaref department, Lorestan University


Traditional historiography was mostly of narrative issues related to the memoirs of selected and distinguished people. If this sort of historiography reported the acts of other classes, as well as the issues such as non- political or non-belief events, it would be yet again in favor of authorities and the expediency of selected people. Modern historiography on the basis of the necessity of criticizing the traditional historiography due to the ignorance of non - political and non - belief aspects of history has endeavored to be of structural approach towards history and has investigated various aspects of history relying on the diverse historiographical approaches. Social historiography as a new major with an analytical view towards history and considering the necessity of elucidated and multidimensional investigation of daily life of people has linked with the more modern histology such as cultural history as well as ethnology and it is to make eternal the social and cultural heritage of humanity. The social history is mostly related to the behaviors, styles of life, motives and wants of ordinary people. This approach with the emphasis on the role of ordinary citizens fades the study if the role of leaders and it paves the ground towards the comprehensive study of history. The present writing reviews the developmental trend of history science position as well as the historiography from the past to the present; moreover, it studies the position and quiddity of social history and the most important causes towards the improvement of this strategy
