The Role of Seyed e- Tavoos- 664 after Hijrah- Regarding the Cultural and Social Advancement of Shiites

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of history department, Lorestan University

2 M.A student in the history of Islamic Iran, Lorestan University


Shiites were considerably developed both culturally and socially, particularly in Bagdad., Raziuddin Ali Ibn e- Musa Ibn e- Tavoos, 589- 664 After Hijrah, was definitely of a great role in this advancement.  Through the descriptive- analytical method, this writing is to investigate the role of him in this regard and to review the Shiites’ status during the seventh century as well as the disposition of Seyed Ibn e- Tavoos. The findings of research demonstrates that Seyed Ibn e- Tavoos has been of significant role in regard with the cultural and social development of Shiites within this era by compiling book on diverse issues, propagating martyrdom as well as stating the virtues of prophet’s household, holding the meetings of debate with the followers of other Islamic sects, propagating Mahdaviat- Mahhdiism and approaching of Imam Mahdi reappearance, cooperating with Mongolian Ilkhanids with respect to the political-religious assumption and finally collecting supplications and propagating the culture of supplication
