The Sireh of the Prophet in Bihar-ul-Anwar

Document Type : Research Paper



Trans:HasanHoseinzadehshanehchi The sirah of the Prophet, both from its theoretical aspects, has
long been important to Muslim writers. Undoubtedly, accurate
and successful invedtigation in this field requires that all extant
traditions and source books be studied, examined and reviewed.
Because of various religious, social, and political factors, relevent
shii records have been eithr destroyed on failed to bring themselves
forth to the investigative minds and searching eyes. However,a
considerable number of sirah traditions are still found in shii
documents that are very valuable to the clarification and revisione
of the commonly frequent traditions in the noted conventional
source books Although Bihar- ul-Anwar is among the latter
Abstracts 4 reference works, it is of the scattered traditions in the many shii
texts and books.