The Rivival of Islam in centeral Asia

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays centeral Asia consists of five following independent republics: Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikstan. This part of the world enjoys an extraordinary situation and natural resources and in the ancient times has been the route of SilK ROAD.
the Muslims in this region caused important changes and while making the scientific centers, established many mosques and engaged in the religious affairs. But from the middle of the sixteenth century that the russians dominated this region, they began to fight with Islam and Muslims and this procedure intensified after the domination of commulnists and led to the destruction of the mosques and religious centers. But when president Gorbachev occupied the authority, the circumastances changed completely and the Mushims' religious activities began again and hundreds mosques were built again. This article discuss about the revival of Islam in Centeral Asia after this period