History and Necessity of Convergence with the Social Sciences

Document Type : Research Paper



Reconsidering the history would be a mental task and historian’s mind is shaped in the structural ground of society in which he lives. Having the date of the study and the analysis of the structural elements of the society in the past centuries in line with answering to the issues and the structural elements of society in the time being, he will investigate this issue through picking out the subject matters prevalent between past and present. The historians’ knowledge and insight is due to the society in which they live and this knowledge and insight will have an outstanding effect on choosing the research issues, the issues studied in structural horizon of the past but dependent on the present time. The present time and the issues related to it are of lively and dynamic nature and mastery to its different aspects is in need of various specialties. The human being and his life as a generality is the subject matter of the study in different sciences and achieving a perfect knowledge of this generality will not be possible for the specialists of one science.
Therefore, the intellectuals of different sciences would not have a deep knowledge of the life of human being except through a close and continuous interaction with the owners of various disciplines. Also, the history as a science which studies the past of human being with the purpose of profitability, can achieve this goal through the interaction with the intellectuals of different sciences particularly the specialties of social sciences.
The necessity of this interaction which would be so effective in the generality, stability, profitability and continuing the historical data and provides the grounds of promotion in the historical epistemology is an issue- at least in raising the necessity of the subject- that will be investigated in this article.
