The Role of Amir al- Momenin’s Military Commanders in the Outcome of Siffin Battle; a Comparative Study: Malek al- Ashtar and Ash’ath Ibn e- Qais

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of history department, Lorestan University

2 M.A in history of Shiism, Baqir al- Olum University


Malik al- Ashtar al- Nakha’ee – 39 After Hijrah- is considered as one of the efficient characters in the events related to the time of Islamic caliphate particularly in the events regarding the time of Amir al- Momenin caliphate, and the historians have stated on his bravery, eloquence and his dignity. Following his tendency towards Islam, he got one of great followers of Imam Ali PBUH and in the events leading to the caliphate of that holiness, he was of efficient role in the battles of that time particularly Siffin, by arousing Kufah people for the battle, setting the army and commanding the battle, assisting his tribe, heavily attacking to the Syria’s army and presenting speech in defending Imam Ali PBUH.  Moreover, Ash’as Ibn e- Qaith- 41 After Hijrah- was present in Amir al- Momenin’s army in case of necessity and with a deterrent role.
This research studies the role of these two commanders in the battle of Siffin and it illustrates that their beliefs and their political behavior have been considerably effective in the outcome of Siffin battle.
