A Study on Bazanti’s Position before Iman Reza and Imam Javad PBUT

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Jamiat al-Mustafa al-Alamiyah

2 Ph. D student of Islamic history and civilization, Jamiat al-Mustafa al-Alamiyah


The study of cultural and social life of Shiite Imams’ followers has attracted the attention of history surveyors during the recent decades. Most of the new researches have considered Ahmad ibn e- Mohammad ibn e- Amrov ibn e- Abinasr e- Bazanti -221 After Hijrah- as one of the followers of Imam Reza PBUH while they did not regard his companionship with Imam Javad and his theological position as it is expected. This writing has reviewed on the life of Bazanti and his theological ideas, presented an analysis on his position among the theological trends of that time and reported his theological narrations on account of the content and structure of his statement. Afterward, it has compared the amount and quality of his relationship with these two Imams referring to the historical evidences and lastly, it has proved this claim that some of the narrations of Bazanti are referred to Imam Reza PBUH and actually it has been narrated by Imam Javad. It is concluded that, in spite of having geographical distance, Bazanti could keep his position among the followers of Imam Reza in time of Imam Javad as well.
