The Role of Followers of Umayyads Concerning the Propagation of Compulsion Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D student of theology, Tehran Shahid Motahari University and the researcher of Kalam e- Ahl e- Bait institution: Qom Dar al- Hadis institution

2 Assistant professor, University of Quran and Hadith


Convictional instructions of fate and destiny as well as compulsion and option have been repeatedly misused due to their complexities by the people and varied groups during the history. One of the common ideas in Umayyad era is tendency towards compulsion which could be clearly observed in the speech and government letters of that era. The present article studies the spread of compulsion theory emphasizing on the effect of followers of Umayyads. This article tries to independently evaluate the role of diverse classes being followers of this trend particularly rulers and their agents, court poets, people of traditions, people of the book as well as mass of people. The research method is on the basis of the collection of numerous historical evidences derived from the reliable books, the brief analysis of each one besides the conclusion out of them. Finally, this research concludes that followers of Umayyads were of great efficacy on the propagation of compulsion in community.
