Interactions of the Imams with Non-Shias

Document Type : Research Paper


Researcher of Jami’ah al-Mustafa al-Alamiah


Interaction of Shias with non-Shias is something that has become very important especially in our time. It requires a lot of research and critical thinking in order for us to understand what is required from us. The best way to find out our responsibilities and duties is to analyze the life of the Imams in order to understand how they dealt with this issue. An analysis of the historical and religious text available to us shows that the interactions of the Imams were based on certain fundamentals, which we try to analyze in this article. We have divided the non-Shias into three categories: the general non-Shia Muslim population, non-Shia rulers, and non-Shia scholars. For the first category, the Holy Household showed their complete etiquette and respect to the people, and empathized with them in their happiness and sorrow. They worked with them side-by-side and tried to solve their problems. The Holy Household also maintained healthy social relationships with them. For the second category, the Imams refused to recognize the leadership and rule of the non-Shia rulers, but at the same time cooperated on issues of great social importance to Muslims, and attempted to fight the infiltration of non-Islamic values. With the third category, the Holy Household held scholars in utmost respect, and entertained debates and scholarly discussions with them.
