The Effect of Mohammad Ibn e- Hanafi’s Family on the Development of Intellectual and Traditional Sciences since the First Century until the End of Abbasid Era- 656 after Hijrah

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of history department, Alzahra Un

2 M.A in history of Islam, Alzahra University


Mohammad Ibn e- Hanafi’s Family has taken a significant part in regard with the development of scientific thoughts in the extension of history of Islam, So that the kind of their scientific activity and the mode of their performance is one of the vital and efficient elements towards the spread and exchange of diverse traditional and intellectual sciences to the next generations.
Relying on the quantitative methods and following the investigation of the scientific function of the outstanding scholars in Mohammad Ibn e-Hanafi’s family, the research quantitatively presents the information extracted from the reliable sources concerning the authorities, history, narration, kinship as well as the classes.
The outcome of research reveals that due to the political-social conditions, the scientific approach of this family has been mostly towards the traditional sciences until the end of Abbasid era- 656 after hijrah. 
Consequently, they had a considerable effect on account of the propagation and advancement of sciences in different lands as well as the foundation of educational and scientific systems particularly in the Muslims’ community being in need of the development of science.
