The Study of Resources of the Biography of Prophet Mohammad; A Review on the Ideas of Regis Blachere



1 Full professor of Islamic Azad university, science and research branch, the department of history and civilization of Islamic nations

2 Graduated in PhD in history and civilization of Islamic nations, Islamic Azad university science and research branch


In the last decades of 19th century, through the approach of the critical study of sources, it was done some researches concerning the biography of Prophet Mohammad which led to the uncertainty in the narrations of biography and mistrust in all the narrative and historical resources of Islam. In this atmosphere, Regis blachere in his work “Le Probleme de Muhomet”, “Mohammad’s issue” clarifies the present problems in utilizing Holy Quran as well as the information of biography books as the reliable resoures. Furthermore, he claims that in spite of the nonexistence of documents providing the possibility of writing the biography of Prophet Mohammad with a coherence and great detail, it is possible to recreate the atmosphere, in which the prophetic mission was developed, relying on Holy Quran as the mere contemporary resource. 
Blachere’s work, a critical study concerning the biography of Prophet Mohammad, is merely on the basis of Quranic evidences and in this regard he takes advantage of news and information of biography in order to prove the Quranic information.
